and give nearly no XP on higher ranks, most of the perks are useless or never be needed, the end of the game is a joke, only a few different enemys, add ons are lame/even lamer then the main game: Moxxxis Mad Dome is crap, i think i never play such a crappy add on till now, ford knox is only driving over lame highways, zombie iland is ok, clap trap revolution is ok. The missions are always the same, the weapon spawn for good weapons make no sense, i nearly find 90% crap, money is worthless, the shops are worthless, single player is lame as hell: finish a mission, run back with a feeling of 2 ours/with or without cars, graphics are boring, loading times are shit, no real map, no direct teleport to the quest location, character design of the NPC´s is allways the same, level up system is a joke, enemys are hard as hell on playthrough 2/etc. This is not the Borderlands Thread but well: There is no reason it can't play out like Gears of War or something. And the character should be bad ass girl with a bitchy attitude. I think if they had co-op for Duke Nukem it should be with one other character. I think if I played it by myself I would have gotten bored with it as well. Why is Borderland's one of the lamest game's ever? That is quite a statement to be making with nothing written to justify the statement.